Articles by my friend Jacob Chacko Kallara.
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# Article Title Author
161 My words will by no means pass away Jacob Chacko Kallara
162 what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Jacob Chacko Kallara
163 Your kingdom come Jacob Chacko Kallara
164 Your kingdom come Jacob Chacko Kallara
165 When He appears... Jacob Chacko Kallara
166 Magnify the Lord with me Jacob Chacko Kallara
167 "Do you love Me more than these?" Jacob Chacko Kallara
168 Will He really find faith on the earth? Jacob Chacko Kallara
169 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit Jacob Chacko Kallara
170 Your eyes will see the King Jacob Chacko Kallara
171 Fear God and keep His commandments Jacob Chacko Kallara
172 The Lord is the strength of my life Jacob Chacko Kallara
173 Behold, the Lord comes Jacob Chacko Kallara
174 I press toward the goal Jacob Chacko Kallara
175 As many as received Him Jacob Chacko Kallara
176 I saw the dead, small and great Jacob Chacko Kallara
177 Why do you call Me 'Lord Lord'? Jacob Chacko Kallara
178 Jesus Christ is the same Jacob Chacko Kallara
179 Division over Jesus Jacob Chacko Kallara
180 Salvation is of the Jews Jacob Chacko Kallara
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