'Bush, read your Bible'PDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Tuesday, 01 January 2008 16:55

Bush, Read Your BibleThat phrase will adorn billboards across Jerusalem in preparation for President Bush's visit to Israel within the coming days. At the bottom of the poster are the words, "God gave Israel to the Jews". It is intended to be a timely reminder to a US President who has called for the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem before the end of his term in office. The campaign is being organized by a Jewish group called Am K'Lavee. They believe that the Israeli government has made a mistake in basing the argument for Israel's settlement of Judea and Samaria on purely militaristic and Zionistic reasons, and instead think the claim should be based solely on Scripture which states that the land was given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for an eternal possession (Genesis 17:8). Ironically it is unbelieving Jews who are reminding a believing President of what his Bible says.

Quote: ""The Biblical claim of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel was recognized by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which called for the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine," Fishman states. "The British believed in the Bible and what was written in it, and that was what guided Lord Balfour in winning the support of the British Parliament. "America also believes in the Bible," Fishman says, "and therefore, it is totally unreasonable that America and its God-fearing President should act against the Bible, the pillar of Christian belief." Through the poster, Fishman is embarking to remind President Bush that God's plan for the world supersedes his plan.

Tzvi Fishman is calling on all Bible lovers to unite and join the battle to save Jerusalem. Fishman says its not just about stopping the division of God's land, but also preserving the right to freedom of worship for all religions in the Holy Land. He hopes that his poster will not only be spread across Jerusalem but also the internet, and that if enough people say no to the Roadmap to Peace, they can stop the division of the land and prevent the region from becoming a haven for Islamic terrorism. In light of Biblical prophecy I don't think we can prevent the division of God's land, but I do think we ought to pray for the Jewish people that they would come to know their Messiah Yeshua, and that God would accomplish His will in the Middle East. And I think we should stand up for the Jewish people and support their claim to the land of Israel, which is in accordance with God's Word. 

I don't know whether President Bush is a Christian or not, the Lord knows. But I think that is quite a testimony to have with unbelievers, that he believes in the Bible. And likewise for America. This should be a reminder to us that we are constantly being watched by the world to see if we are living up to what we claim to believe. Paul states in Romans 11:11 that believing Christians, through their relationship with Yeshua, should be provoking the Jewish people to jealousy of their Messiah. Imagine the influence the Church would have in this world if we just lived our lives according to what we believe. The Lord said in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another". Perhaps for President Bush and America, that testimony may be undeserved. Remember the Church of Sardis in the book of Revelation, which had a name that it lived but it was dead (Revelation 3:1). Let our testimony not be in name only but may we live out what we believe, and hopefully through God's help, many people will come to know the Saviour.

Source Arutz 7
