Articles by my friend Jacob Chacko Kallara.
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# Article Title Author
221 I am the Lord, I do not change Jacob Chacko Kallara
222 A Branch of righteousness Jacob Chacko Kallara
223 In mercy and truth atonement is provided Jacob Chacko Kallara
224 I am alive forevermore Jacob Chacko Kallara
225 He who is coming will come Jacob Chacko Kallara
226 Eyewitnesses of His majesty Jacob Chacko Kallara
227 I test the mind Jacob Chacko Kallara
228 Faith as a mustard seed Jacob Chacko Kallara
229 In Your light we see light Jacob Chacko Kallara
230 The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep Jacob Chacko Kallara
231 Give unto the Lord glory Jacob Chacko Kallara
232 I will give you rest Jacob Chacko Kallara
233 In the way of righteousness is life Jacob Chacko Kallara
234 He has become my salvation Jacob Chacko Kallara
235 He will be with you Jacob Chacko Kallara
236 For the Lord Himself will descend Jacob Chacko Kallara
237 He cares for you Jacob Chacko Kallara
238 At His wrath the earth will tremble Jacob Chacko Kallara
239 The Father draws men to Christ Jacob Chacko Kallara
240 The harvest truly is plentiful Jacob Chacko Kallara
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